Debian 8

Foxpass LDAP installation for Debian 8

Here's how to set up an Linux integration with LDAP, powered by Foxpass.

First, log into Foxpass and do the following:

  1. Note your Base DN on the dashboard page. Copy/paste it somewhere.
  2. Create an API key named 'sshd' on the API keys page. Copy/paste it somewhere.
  3. Create an LDAP Binder account with the name 'linux' on the LDAP binders page. Copy/paste the generated password! It is only displayed once.
  4. Create an LDAP Group with the name 'foxpass-sudo' on the Groups page. Set it to be a 'posix' group. Add yourself to the group.

Fully Automated!

Just download and run this script with sudo:

sudo python --base-dn <base_dn> --bind-user <bind_user> --bind-pw <bind_pw> --api-key <api_key>


sudo python --base-dn dc=example,dc=com --bind-user linux --bind-pw efGHbD3aFq --api-key 5GC3NRI5goRBAGkrlsxzYedg0r8HPAO7

(Pro tip: Run the script on a fresh Debian image, then create a new base AMI for your company.)

Problems? See our troubleshooting guide here: Foxpass Linux debugging