Intune (Initial Setup)

Setting up Intune for the first time

Create a new Azure AD Application that can verify your Intune requests.

In your Azure Portal, go to App Registrations and create a new Registration.

You may name it Foxpass-Intune-Verification and select this option 'Accounts in this organizational directory only ( only - Single tenant)'.

Register an application

Register an application

Now, from the list in App Registrations, click on the newly created App. Go to the "API Permissions" page.

Click "Add a Permisson." In the window that appears, choose "Intune"

Then choose Application permissions, and select "scep_challenge_provider"

Click the "Add permission" button.

Back on the "API permissions" screen, click on the "Grant admin consent" button on the top of the Permissions page and click 'Yes'.

Grant admin consent for Foxpass

Grant admin consent for Foxpass

  • Go to the 'Overview' section of your App and copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID.
  • Go to the 'Certificates & secrets' section of your App and under 'Client secrets', click on the 'New client secret' button. Copy the secret value - this is your client's secret. Note - Make sure you copy the secret value and not the secret ID.
Copy secret value

Copy secret value

  • Go to the Foxpass Console's SCEP page, click on Create SCEP endpoint.
    • Name - Give a name to your endpoint.
    • Verification type - User
    • Authentication type = 'Azure'
    • Azure Tenant ID - Paste the Tenant ID copied from Azure
    • Azure Client ID - Paste the Client ID copied from Azure
    • Azure app client secret - Paste the secret copied from Azure
    • Click 'Create' button.
Create Azure SCEP endpoint

Create Azure SCEP endpoint